!/images/63.jpg (Building Accessible Websites)!
“Building Accessible Websites – link to amazon”:http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/073571150x/davebellous-20/
*Place Published:* Indianapolis, Ind.
*ISBN:* 073571150x
*Keywords:* Web sites – Design
*Format:* Paperback
*Authors:* Joe Clark
*Publication Date:* c2003.
If fear of lawsuits, government mandates, and human-rights complaints is driving you to make your website more accessible, you’re doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Aks yourself if it makes good business sense to ignore a substantial portion of your potential audience. Why turn away visitors who may be blind, deaf, or otherwise disabled?
Building Accessible Websites teaches how and why to use web accessibility techniques, with an emphasis on phased accessibility that scales to the needs of small, medium and large budgets. Whether you’re an individual developer running a hobby site or the head of a large corporate web team, Building Accessible Websites shows you affordable, technically manageable ways to make a website accessible to people with disabilities
Not only has Joe Clark written the best book i’ve read on accessibility, “he’s made it available for free online”:http://joeclark.org/book/sashay/serialization/
but you should still buy it.